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The Top 5 Features to Look for in an Outdoor Entertainment System

A patio with an outdoor TV, in-ceiling speakers, fan, and a fireplace.

Creating the Ultimate Outdoor Oasis

As people embrace outdoor living, backyards have become much more than a patio and lounge chairs around the pool. Today, they are extensions of the home, incorporating similar comforts. One of the experiences at the forefront of today’s backyard transformation is the outdoor entertainment system.

Do you remember the outdoor movie screens that were barely visible in daylight and delivered grainy images at night? Those have transformed into 4K UHD displays that offer brighter and better picture quality than many indoor TVs. How about the one-directional outdoor speaker that brought uneven coverage throughout the outdoor space? Today, concert-quality music in your backyard is a reality.

Today, the possibilities in outdoor entertainment are virtually limitless. Here, we’ll explore the top five features to consider when choosing an outdoor entertainment system for your Scottsdale, AZ, home.


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