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Does Your Home Networking System Need an Upgrade?


How Two Enterprise-Grade Solutions Improve Network Speed and Wi-Fi Range 

Modern technologies, such as computers, mobile phones, smart TVs, and smart home systems, demand an enterprise-grade home network. Not just “any network” will do. It’s the only way to enjoy the luxurious living you crave. If you spend your days dealing with unreliable internet connections, sluggish responses from home automation products, and lagging video calls, then it’s time for a home networking upgrade. 

Both Access Networks and Araknis Networks offer enterprise-grade solutions to address Wi-Fi and connection problems. You don’t need to suffer with an outdated home network any longer. In this article, we’ll explain the two primary technologies you need for a robust network at your home in Scottsdale, AZ.


SEE ALSO: Enjoy Seamless Control of Your Control4 Smart Home


Say Goodbye to the Bottleneck 

Homelife is rarely predictable. Sometimes, you’re home alone, enjoying a movie in your home theater. But other times, everyone is there. Your partner is streaming music through the whole-home audio system while one child is playing online games, and another is video chatting with a friend. And then there are the other systems that depend on your internet behind the scenes, such as home security and circadian lighting.

Unfortunately, all that activity can create a bandwidth bottleneck in your home. Upgrading to a new router from Araknis Networks or Access Networks can give you more speed and less buffering. Also, by upgrading to Cat6 cabling (which provides a hardwired connection to various devices in your home), you ensure incredibly reliable and fast speeds. In fact, for the fastest, you may want to consider putting fiberoptic in your home, especially if that’s how your router connects to your ISP (internet service provider).


Expand Your Wi-Fi Reach

Today, we depend on Wi-Fi and other wireless signals to enjoy the benefits of technology. Still, Wi-Fi has its limitations. That is, it doesn’t have an endless range, and it can encounter interference. Most Wi-Fi routers have a range of about 300 feet in outdoor living areas but only 150 indoors – and even then, that is an ideal estimate. Various things affect the signal strength, such as walls, closed doors, other objects, and even other Wi-Fi devices (and your neighbor’s Wi-Fi). 

Wi-Fi 6 changes everything. It not only has a long reach, but it “avoids” any interference and finds the best path to the source, such as a smartphone or smart home device. Best of all, when you set up hardwired access points, you’ll always have the best signal no matter how far away you are from your router. Both Araknis Networks and Access Networks have the state-of-the-art equipment needed to ensure a 21st-century network.


Don’t settle with an antiquated home network. Upgrade by calling Audio Video Excellence at (480) 245-7500, starting a chat on this page, or filling out our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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